Copying Course Content

Keeping Course Sections Synchronized

You will have one Canvas course for each section of your class. If you create or edit a Page, Assignment, etc., your other courses (for the other sections) will not have the new material. You can copy the new content to your other courses or share it with other teachers' courses. There are 3 different ways to do this:

  • Copy To places a copy of the item into either a different or the same course.

  • Send To places a copy of the item in the Shared Content folder of another teacher or yourself. They can then import the item into any of their courses.

  • Share to Commons adds the item to the Canvas Commons, where teachers can then import it into one or more of their courses. This is the fastest way to copy an item into multiple courses.

Add Items to One Course

Copy To sends a copy of an item to one other course. It can be the same course you are in or a different course. You can specify which Module to copy it into.

  1. From the Modules, Pages, Assignments, Discussions, or Quizzes page, click the 3 dots icon at the right end of the item you want to copy.

  2. Select Copy to...
    The Copy To... pane will open.

  3. Search for the course where you want to copy the item.
  4. Click the target course.

  5. If you want to add the item to a specific Module, search for and select it.
    If you don't specify the Module, the item will appear in the list of that type of item; for example, a page will be added to the Pages list.

  6. Select the Place where you want the copied item to appear in the target Module, such as top or bottom.
  7. Click Copy.
    The item will appear in the target course.