2.1c Standard Organizer

Understanding Component 2

In order to certify, your component will be scored against certain Standards from your certificate area. It is critical that you have read and analyzed these standards BEFORE you start planning. Therefore, please watch this video and complete a Download Standard Organizer

 for your Component 2.

Directions that are explained in the video:

1. Download your Standard Organizer, which is linked above.

2. Print out your Standards so you can write on them OR download them and annotate them.

3. Enter the Component Number in the title.

4. Go to your component instructions and note the standards that are being used in that component. (1:40 in the video)

5. Underline verbs and phrase that reflect your practice. Write specific examples in the margins. (Or you can copy and paste these into the middle column or your Standard Organizer.)

6. Highlight those phrases that you think you need to develop or that you don't understand. (Or you can copy and paste these into the last column or your Standard Organizer.)